Our Process


YNVA reduces the time you spend on hiring by weeding through the applications and screening initial candidates. Our pride and joy is our database full of eager, excited and skilled workers ready to help you out!

YNVA facilitates the interviews you wish to have and make sure you are only spending time speaking with candidates who would be a good fit for your specific role. 



YNVA is hands-on throughout the onboarding process - we take care of all contracts that are required and all overseas fees and taxes.

YNVA also maintains the appropriate protocols to track and manage the hire's activity and hours worked to ensure you are getting your money's worth!

Most importantly, we've been down this road before and we want to make your experience as seamless and productive as possible.



YNVA prides itself on its abilities to help train newly hired virtual assistants. While no one can know your business better than you, YNVA will help give you the best practices that are of the utmost value when training staff working from remote locations. 

YNVA is also able to help practice scripts or provide insight on other skills or trades to which we have past experience in.

What's Important to Us?


We embrace creativity and innovation to develop unique solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients.

Team Work

Collaboration and teamwork are the heart of our company. We work together to achieve goals and go above our client's expectations.


At our company, loyalty is a core value that builds trust, positive relationships and repeat business. We are 100% committed to our clients and their success.


Our Goals

Why Choose Us?


 Our commitment to clear, concise and effective communication ensures exceptional service and client satisfaction.


We prioritize quality in everything we do to exceed in client expectations and deliver outstanding results.


Transparency is essential to our client relationships. We prioritize honesty to build trust and ensure mutual success.

Find out today how our VAs can win you back some time!

Our Process

© 2023 You Need a VA!