Why Choose Us?

You may be wondering why you should use our services... it's simple - there's no VA service out there like ours.

It's simple to show you why we're the best choice by answering a few FAQs:

Have you ever hired a VA before? Most of our clients have never hired a VA before and don't even know where to start. Luckily for you, we have hired many VAs over the years and know exactly where to start, how to find the right candidates and what to do to make the process seemless and worth your time and money. 

What do you offer that others don't? Our services aren't just about you hiring a VA. The first thing that we do is to help you find 'the right' VA. We do this by screening hundreds of candidates to best fit the description you have provided us and put them in front of you for interviews and your selection. But - that's only the begining. We also assist with onboarding, training, management and making payments easier. 

What does your screening process like? We start by doing a thorough intake of our client's and their needs for hiring a VA. Then we screen all of the available candidates to make sure they fit the general description and based on our experience, would be a good fit for our client. We then provide the opportunity for our clients to interview as many candidates as they need to find the right person they would like to hire as their VA. 

Do you offer assistance after the VA is hired? Of course! Our work is never complete. We know that all of our clients are looking for a VA to help with their time - that is why we offer services and assistance to help our clients manage the VAs and make the most of their time. 

What other services and assistance do you offer? We want to make the most of our client's experience and the VA's help - so not only do we save hundreds of hours of time by finding the right VAs but we also help guide our clients through onboarding, offer assistance with training and also help in navigating all the tools, software and programs that might be needed to get things up and running. 

How do I pay my VA? Paying contract workers in foreign countries can prove to be challenging and complicated. That's why we simplify things. You pay our agency, here in the US, as a standard tax writeoff to a staffing agency and we take care of the rest. No additional fees or tax liabilities. 

Are there any risks involved? As with any new hire, there are always some risks as far as time to train, access to internal documents, etc. This is no different than any other VA service or even for hiring an in-house assistant. However, we go the extra mile for our clients to do everything in our power to ensure the risk is as minimal as possible, through extensive screening, background checks, signing NDAs and helping to train. Plus, as an added bonus, if a staffing change is ever needed, your unused hours for the month will no go to waste - they will accrue until a new hire is in place and are used and you won't be charged again until those hours are used up. 

Why are you more expensive than some competitors? In fact, we're not. If you compare us to our direct competitors, you'll see that our pricing model is directly in line with theirs. We will admit that our prices are higher than if you were to hire a VA directly, rather than through an agency, but that is simply because of all of the time and effort we save you each month, for having helped you find the best candidate, help you train the VA and help you manage that partnership. Even with all of that said, our average cost per hour is still less than US$9/hour which can't be beat here in the states. 

How can I be sure I'll use up all of the hours in the month? Truth be told, we had the same concerns when we hired our first VA. The question of 'do I even have enough work to give them?' is very common. But in actuality, every client or person that we know of that has hired a VA very quickly gets to the point of having too much work to give to the VA and having to hold back or hire another one, so as not to overwhelm their initial hire. 

We know this can be a big step for you. That's why we're here and happy to answer any questions you may have. If there is more information or  specific questions you still need to address, please schedule a call today.


VA Services

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